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Redefine Work-Life Balance

From Overwhelmed to Empowered

Are you feeling stuck in the endless grind, juggling work, family, and everything in between, only to end each day exhausted, on autopilot, and wondering where the joy in life went?

If you're nodding along, feeling that spark of excitement has dimmed under the weight of "should-dos" and guilt, this Masterclass is screaming your name.

It's for the superwomen who've accidentally swapped their capes for a never-ending to-do list. For those of you silently shouting, "I can't keep doing this," while rushing from meetings to pickups, drowning in emails, and collapsing into bed only to start all over again tomorrow. You're not alone in feeling numb, stuck in a loop where days blur together, and the idea of 'me time' feels like a joke from another universe.

This isn't about adding more to your overflowing plate. It's about smashing the plate and choosing what deserves a spot in your life. Forget waiting for "someday" when the kids are grown or retirement kicks in. We're here to spark that lost excitement and teach you how to carve out moments of joy and fulfillment right now, amid the chaos.

Join us to flip the script on work-life balance. We're talking real talk about creating work-life harmony — a life where work, family, and personal time don't just coexist but enrich one another. Let's get back to feeling alive, making every day count, and being the powerhouse you are, with the heart and soul to match. This is your wake-up call to reclaim your life. Let's do this, together.


April 9TH
Tuesday - 4:00 PM EST



01 Accept there is NO Work-Life Balance

The first part of the Masterclass you will learn how to frame your mindset to accept there is No Work-Life Balance, so you can be curious it is about you finding solutions.

02 Define ONE area of your Work Life Harmony

The second part of the Masterclass is about what Work-Life Harmony can look like for you. Visualize the first draft of your ideal life design.

Choose one area you want to improve, and visualize it.

03 Set Your KPI's

KPI - Key Performance Indicator.

Everything we want to improve we have to measure. What is one skill you want to improve to achieve the work-life Harmony?

The goal is to identify the specific skill, measure the current level from 1-10 and define your goal setting a number from 1-10.

04 Find A Disruptor

It is about having identified one event that you identified one uncomfortable event that you can use as an experiment. Like saying NO to a meeting on Friday at 5 pm. Yes it can be simple as this, the disruptor would be following a specific situation in detail, in order you learn to say NO coming from peaceful place.


This Masterclass is for you if:

  • Your to-do list never ends, and "me time" feels like a fantasy.
  • You're always feeling guilty for not doing enough at home or work.
  • Your days are on repeat: wake up, work, sleep, repeat, with no real joy.
  • Change is on your wishlist, but you're stuck on how to get there.
  • You laugh at the idea of work-life balance because it just doesn't seem possible.
  • You're sick of being swamped and want clear, doable ways to make life better.
  • You miss feeling excited about your days instead of just getting through them.
  • Stress is your constant mood, but you're ready to kick it to the curb.
  • Quality time with your partner feels like a rare event you can't seem to make happen.
  • You can't remember the last time you worked out or did something just for your health.
  • This masterclass feels like "one more thing" but deep down, you know you need it.
  • Your job? It's just for the money now, but you're dreaming of more.
  • Vacations are the only light at the end of your tunnel.
  • Books and hobbies? Forgotten what those are.
  • Date night is a concept, not a reality, in your relationship.
  • You want to thrive, not just survive, and actually enjoy what life has to offer.

April 9TH
Tuesday - 4:00 PM EST



"I left the masterclass feeling empowered and ready to move towards my dreams with positivity. Her energy is infectious."

- Maribel (NJ, US)

"I felt empowered to change the way I feel. I've started on a diet and lost 15 pounds in 1 month - I think part of that motivation was driven by your words on having the power to change yourself when you might not be able to change the broader world around you."

- Emma (Birmingham, UK)

"Has taught me to set a goal and take real steps toward reaching that goal. Helpful tips and advice have gotten me to make a plan and stick to it. In a world of information overload and negativity, Anna Jo is a bright light of positivity."

- Jermaine (New Jersey, US)

"I attended the session about Positivity, the first step to follow your dreams! The content is very actionable and effective, and Anna is such a passionate communicator that makes you want to try it immediately. I highly recommend it!"

- Sofia (Lausanne, CH)

Meet Coach AnnaJo.

Ana Jorge, known as Coach AnnaJo, is a life coach with over 18 years of remarkable international corporate experience, having lived in four different countries in Europe before she moved to the United States seven years ago.

In 2019, she made a transformative decision to become a life coach and developed the 'Work-Life Harmony' program, designed to empower women to live life on their terms. By 2024, she dedicated herself full-time to life coaching. As the mother of two children, a 17-year-old son and a 6-year-old daughter, Ana brings a dynamic and motivational approach to her coaching.

She emphasizes practical strategies for managing both career ambitions and family life, drawing from her own experiences. Her move from Portugal to New Jersey is a testament to her dedication to pursuing both career success and a fulfilling personal life.

April 9TH
Tuesday - 4:00 PM EST


"Either you run the day or the day runs you" by Jim Rohn

It's time to own your life, not waiting for the next vacation, the next promotion, the time when your kids go to college, or your retirement.

Give yourself permission to LIVE LIFE IN HARMONY.

Join the Masterclass! It is free.